Wow, its almost here. I wonder if you feel this way on the camino, knowing that within 12 hours the destination for this journey is reached . Like seeing the city in the distance after a long arduous journey, I have a spring in my step. It didnt start out that way this morning. All kinds of things were going on, but thats another story. The day like most days has run out of time and I think I am as prepared as I can be. The important thing is that the weather, although constantly changing has stabilised at the moment at cloudy but no rain till lunch time. I have looked at two or three sites and that sems to be the order of the day at the moment but it changes by the hour so its hard to truly know what I will wake up too at 3.30am.
I made up the songs of the Camino , as yet incomplete as tomorrow will add a tune. i am going to listen to it while I create. I am lucky enough that I have friends coming down to help build it at various times across the early morning when they may have been asleep on the weekend. Special mentions for Sarah and Alan who are coming down with me. Both artist practitioners and spiritual warriors in their own ways. I welcome everyone, although I hope it to be a quiet, contempaltive build with a relaxed and intuitive feel, all persons involved having a sense of ownership for the space and their relationship too it. As I finish this slightly shorter piece of writing i am reminded by Elbow Mirrorball that everything has changed, That says it all really. Good night people of the camino. See you on the road tomorrow. Today time eluded me, I got on with the final camino preps while multi tasking with forthcoming events and the day dissappearde before I knew it. It feels right now that I am a way off from where I should be and I dont know how to bend time to make it so I have more to finish and relax tomorrow night. The weather for the weekend is looking a bit horrid and I am starting to think of how to work with the materials in torrential rain. It might be that I make the piece smaller, by about 5 metres so it is more manageable, but the jury like the weather is still out.
The timeline is done for the day , I will post on Facebook tomorrow and on the Blog for those who are interested in coming down. I am sure part of it is the overwhelming sense of tiredness that I have been feeling over the last few days, that is making me feel this way, half way between organised and chaos. It will subside. Its pure energy which ironically is exhausting. But on that note. I am going to plod on with the tasks I can do tonigt before my eyes give up the ghost and shout at me for sleep. Good night people of the camino. Sleep well. |
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