This is the third time I have written this entry to the blog. Is something or someone trying to tell me something ? On thursday night - its now saturday morning, I was one of the presenters on Pecha Kucha- a collaborative evening between Leigh Art Trail and Metal Culture. Pecha kucha is a process where the precsenter uses 20 slides for only 20 seconds each slide. The time is a strange thing as 20 seconds is too long for a statement but not long enough to of any depth what so ever.
My way of dealing with it was to link slides in batches. The presentation was very biographical, around my journey to this point in my life, the process of creating the piece that needed to be so precise, made me look at what is important to me and what bits were neccesary to explain to people, along with that of camino was really interesting, at times a little uncomfortable, as its also the slides that you choose not to use that tell a hidden story and the reasons behind that. For me, camino has become a path that has been the self analysis that has raised many questions, most of which will be answered in the future in their own time. Camino is just over a week from being realised, there feels like a lot to do: seeing who if anyone wants to particpate in the making , getting the first batch of cockle shells, working out he way to start the project , then more practical things like , what do I need to take for welfare, whats the weather going to be like, how will I manage it if peoiple are walking across it. Will the camera work, its the start of the jitters. Its nervy. Its exciting. This weekend is the day for the commencement of the first weekend of The Leigh Art Trail. I am really pleased for all the artists and wish them luck over the next few days.
11/6/2011 07:52:27
Hello Jo - thank you for your Pecha Kucha presentation.
13/6/2011 13:27:07
Thanks Andrew for your comments. I was going to try and put them up on the wall but havent had time. Comments are closed.
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